Before & After

Photos enable us to see our skin in transition and they give us hope as we travel along the road to a clearer and more radiant skin. As we wait for the results to manifest we can become disappointed by what we currently see as the process often moves far slower than we would like. Photos remind us of where we began and how far we have come and are reliable evidence of what is working.

Hyper-pigmentation Reduction

Skin was very unsettled and oily with hyperpigmentation and post acne scars and prone to breakout.

The Issue

Overall complexion has become more even and calm, the skin irritations and breakout have been eliminated and the hyperpigmentation has lightened and faded significantly.


"I have always spent big money on high end face products sold both at department stores and salons. I use to use too many products from scrubs, face wash, toner, serum, cream, foundation and makeup to mask the imperfections in my skin. But I found that they were not helping my skin in any way and it has been a waste of money. I have a dark Indian complexion with pigmentation. I was introduced to SuperNatural Skincare by my Naturopath. The products are simple and easy to use and reasonably priced. My skin has improved greatly and the pigmentation has reduced greatly. I never use to like sunscreen on the face, but I like the sunscreen from SuperNatural Skincare as they are not heavy or greasy. Overall I highly Recommend this product.” - Mary

Enlarged Pores

Open pores, monthly or periodic breakout, uneven skin tone and post acne scars.

“I have always tried to hide my skin, I have big pores, really uneven skin tones and scarring from adolescence acne. I suffer from all kinds of gut issues which show in my skin too. Since using Supernatural Skincare I don't feel like I need to hide any more and I am more confident about my self. My pores have noticeably disappeared or gotten smaller, the rash and adult pimples have stopped. The collagen in my face has built back up and even my fine lines and wrinkles have naturally rebuilt and filled back out again. I am actually really bad at a facial routine but Supernatural Skincare has made it easy and accessible for me. Sally-ann has always been an amazing support and helps me with questions as my journey has gone along also. The products always arrive timely and I can not recommend them enough.” - Desiree


Heal, repair and clear the bacteria that causes breakout and builds strength and resistance enabling the skin to fend for itself and function normally.

The Issue

It is interrupting the continuous breakout, clearing blocked pores, refining pores and improving red scars. It is also vitally important to help prevent pit scaring. Eliminating potentially harmful and irritating skin care ingredients, and continually using SuperNatural Skincare to calm and normalise the skin, improving the overall function and health of the skin.

There is a significant improvement in the quality and health of the skin. Inflammation and redness have subsided, scarring has improved, pores have refined and are clear, and breakout has reduced to the odd premenstrual spot. The skincare journey began on the 18th May 2019 and has been consistent. Skin to date looks calm, hydrated and significantly clearer with pores and scarring substantially refined - 29th Sept 2020


Photos taken 3 & 15 months after starting treatment

"I have always spent big money on high end face products sold both at department stores and salons. I use to use too many products from scrubs, face wash, toner, serum, cream, foundation and makeup to mask the imperfections in my skin. But I found that they were not helping my skin in any way and it has been a waste of money. I have a dark Indian complexion with pigmentation. I was introduced to SuperNatural Skincare by my Naturopath. The products are simple and easy to use and reasonably priced. My skin has improved greatly and the pigmentation has reduced greatly. I never use to like sunscreen on the face, but I like the sunscreen from SuperNatural Skincare as they are not heavy or greasy. Overall I highly Recommend this product.” - Mary

Acne breakout on forehead

SuperNatural Skincare has ingredients that help remodel skin health, with calming, restoring and antibacterial ingredients that are non-irritating, oil controlling and immune boosting to restore skin health.

Improvement in skin clarity and health with dramatic reduction of acne and inflammation.


After photo taken after 3 months

“I was advised to try SuperNatural skincare in my early twenties because I was experiencing regular breakouts due to stress from my studies. I had products that I had frantically purchased from other brands to fix my skin. I had awful itching and active breakouts. Within two weeks of using SuperNatural Skincare my skin improved dramatically and within 3 weeks it was completely clear! I didn't realise the effects at that age that the breakouts were having on me, but I was grateful to discover the amazing quality of these products, and I love the health of my skin and my restored confidence.”

Fading ruddy and pigmentation skin

Using the right products in the correct combination with consistent use can help fade pigmentation marks and regain an even, hydrated and radiant complexion.

Returning skin radiance - the pigmented sunspot is breaking up and fading nicely and the overall complexion is brighter, hydrated and more radiant.


After photo taken after 6 months

Significant reduction in acne

Supernatural Skincare ingredients help restore clarity and remodel scarring with non-irritating, potent antibacterial ingredients to restore skin health and vitality.

Significant improvement in inflammation, redness, and acne papules and scarring.


4 months to clear skin - 10 months to beautiful skin!

“The SuperNatural Skincare products I have used have quite literally changed my life. With super sensitive skin, which was prone to terrible and painful acne, I was having no luck with other products and within weeks of using SuperNatural Skincare, my skin and my life changed! I went from being so embarrassed by my skin to leaving the house with no makeup, in less than 4 months. That was 6 years ago! I cannot praise SuperNatural Skincare products enough. I love the products and what they have done for my life!” - Michelle

Ageing, Sun Damage & Hyperpigmentation

SuperNatural Skincare's unique approach to hyper pigmentation is to help reverse signs of sun damage, restore skin clarity, skin tone & strengthen skin immunity with natural ingredients that help optimal skin function & health.

Skin clarity, tone & texture, natural skin vibrancy and glow has returned.


After photo taken 4 months after

Acne breakout and inflammation cleared

Clear Skin Essentials help clear acne, heal scars, shrink enlarged pores and balance oil flow. Clear Skin Serum contains anti-bacterial and healing ingredients that effectively restore skin health and vitality.

Acne break out and inflammation have cleared and the skin is looking more even and healthier.


After photo taken after 2 months

“Supernatural skincare has been our saviour! My daughter’s skin regularly broke out in red, angry acne. Within only weeks, we noticed a huge improvement because of Supernatural Skincare, to the point where her skin is now clear, glowing and healthy.”

Breakout, pimples and redness

Anti-Blemish cleanser and Clear Skin Serum have cleared the skin, reduces redness and restored a beautiful glowing complexion. Our lightweight, formula helps prevent future breakouts and restores the skins natural protective barrier against acne.

Pimples and breakouts have cleared and skin clarity and health have been restored.


After photo taken three months after commencing treatment.

Rosacea, redness and acne

SuperNatural Skincare focuses on calming inflammation, healing damaged skin and repairing the skins natural barrier. We use all-natural ingredients, anti-inflammatories, phyma prevention strategies and strengthen & oxygenate

Significant improvement in inflammation, redness, and acne papules and pustules.


Photos taken 2 and 4 months after starting treatment.